Tuesday 12 February 2013

Idle cycle

With the idle cycle I kind of went in blind, I thought it I ended up using a reference I would just be copying it and it wouldn't be very interesting, so I just chose a thing for him to be doing (stretching his back) and animated around that.


Since I didn't have a reference this time around I actually found myself referring to the 12 principles of animation when deciding 'how can I get this to look right' particularly squash & stretch and anticipation.

There was an added element with the idle cycle that wouldn't really be present in the walk and run cycle which I found quite interesting, in the running and walking cycle moom is constantly doing something, but in the idle cycle there is a large chunk where he wouldn't actually be doing any thing in particular so I found it quite fun moving him around subtly and making him look around before cycling back to the stretch animation.

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