Monday 11 February 2013

Walk Cycle: exhausted

I have completed my first animation cycle, it is a tired walk cycle based on one of my earlier poses.

The video file is really poor quality with artefacts all over the place so it's not very clear but I think the animation it's self is clear enough.

Previously I had issues with animating everything at once and then getting a little bit overwhelmed and not knowing where to animate each thing, and animating everything into the same key-frames which really wasn't working, so this time I just animated one thing at a time, I first animated the legs.

I used my images that I collected from the walking video as reference which was very helpful in the end, by analysing each frame I could see in detail which body part was moving and how each body part affected others, how each movement helped to balance etc.

In my last walking animation I mentioned that I was trying to exaggerate slightly but that I went a bit overboard, I think in this animation I managed to exaggerate some of the movements yet not going over-the-top.

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