Thursday 7 November 2013

Weapons silhouettes

I created intended to do some silhouettes for some potential weapon stone modifications, but I ended up kind of just creating an image for each potential variation. I decided that perhaps each stone has a certain quality that is reflected in the stats of the weapon, for example a deer stone would give the weapons it’s ‘power’ form which would be cumbersome but powerful. A bird stone would give the ‘range’ form which elongates the weapon and makes it more effective from a distance. A turtle stone would make the weapon ‘defensive’ which would simply give the weapon a shield for blocking and perhaps some other defensive measure.

Another thing I've proposed would be the idea for potential context-sensitive controls depending on the equipped stone. For example when the 'Power' stone is equipped the control does a powerful but slow attack, typical in hack and slash games, but when using the 'defensive' stone the button would simply act as a 'block' that would otherwise be unavailable. This feel like this adds incentive for players to switch up their play style from area to area, and possibly have to go back after a failed attempt at a boss with a different play-style, maybe the defensive style would be best for one boss, but the stones can't be changed on the fly, the player would need to go back to the nearest camp in order to change their set-up.

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