Tuesday 29 April 2014

A complete illustration

After my preview drawing and having established the design of the bonobo settlements I felt confident in creating a composition that included everything so far, the settlement and the human ruins. I decided against my previous decision to have the human ruins in a state of having been almost entirely decayed. I wanted some of the old details visible as I felt that it would be aesthetically more pleasing and I had in mind an idea that the passing of humans and their legacy (the robots) would almost be religious, in a way humans were a god that created life and transcended leaving only behind the monoliths of their past civilisations, so in that way the details of the cathedrals would be important.

Again I edited the image in photoshop as I didn't want to just leave it as a black and white line drawing, this time I actually move an object (the building on the left) as I felt it was too far out of the image and ruining the composition, it flows better now closer in. I went with a similar colour as the other image for consistency, even though I did experiment with another bluer colour, but it looked like an alien planet o something so I used the older version.

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