Monday 7 April 2014

Visit to the Bridewell Museum in norwich

As a timetabled part of the course I went to the Bridewell museum with my group. I took the opportunity to look around and try and find some inspiration for my environment, I figured I would be more likely to find inspiration for assets rather than the environments themselves so with that in mind I had a look around.

I drew a heater and an old decorative pillar, I thought I could potentially merge them to create sort of a futuristic looking building with some elements of old styles which I think was successful, of course the whole building would never be visible in any of my environments but having some idea of how they should look should help in contextualising things.

I also created a sort of church spire buried in dirt in Maya so that I could bring it into zbrush later and start creating some more detailed concepts and potentially paint over them later. In the end I discovered that the basic window shapes I added in maya were actually a nuisance and it would be better to just bring a very very basic spire shape with no details at all into zbrush so I will redo that later after I experiment with photo bashing.

One more thing that I have been putting off that I really need to consider is the level of decay in the building peaks, I have been lazy so far and just been painting them as though they were almost fresh buildings with bits broken off but in reality after tens or hundreds of thousands of years there would be much more extreme decay, maybe they would just look like rock at that point with shards of glass sticking out at points perhaps.

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