Monday 6 May 2013

Finished texturing

I have finished the initial stages of texturing my environment, all of the objects are painted but still flat.

I had a look at using some bump maps on some of my objects but I was unhappy with how it looked, I don't have any images to show my experimentation because it was short-lived, but I decided that given the minimalistic nature of my model so far that the bump maps were just jarring to the overall composition.

I decided instead to imply texture by conservatively using specular maps on their own instead.

The most important specular map was for the windows because they needed to be a lot more reflective than anything else in the environment as everything else was mostly dull and matte.

I used a specular map also to show the worn paint on the casket shop, the areas where the paint is left-over is shiny compared the areas of wood that are totally dull.

It was similar with the coffins, the coffins are supposed to look freshly made and varnished, originally rather than a specular map I just changed the specular colour to make it shiny, but I thought that it looks boring and flat so I used a specular map to include the pattern from the wood grain, I used the wood grain pattern with a darker colour so that it would contrast with the body of the coffin and add further detail. 

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