I had another go at modelling a cows skull trying to stay as low poly as I could while still representing the form of the skull, I had in mind that there were certain details that I wouldn't necessarily need to include since I could imply form using normal mapping and texture mapping, I also used a mirroring technique this time around, but creating a box and creating a 'duplicate special' with 'Keep faces together' switched on. after finishing the model it's possible that I would remove the duplicate and 'mirror geometry' that would also allow me to create some asymmetry although that may not be necessary in a simple asset and I might be better off keeping it symmetrical so I can just use the same texture map on each side, although I will have to look up how to do that.

I'm a lot happier with this model than my last attempt, I think I stuck closer to the reference and succeeded in creating a much closer likeness to an actual cow skull, using the duplicate special mirroring technique helped with that a lot because I could focus on just getting everything to look right instead of be worried about trying to make everything symmetrical myself.
Minor Edit:
Fixed the eye sockets.
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