Thursday 4 April 2013

Cow Skull

To warm up for the next project I decided to create a simple asset and attempt to model and texture it as practice and to try and see where I need to improve before I start the real thing, I decided that a cow skull would be a balance of kind of easy but satisfying to look at once it's finished, so I went to google to find a few reference images to use of different angles of cow skulls.

Using these images as reference I attempted to model a cow skull, it was going fairly well, I almost fully modelled one side of the skull, and when I moved on to start on the other side I started getting problems being unable to create lines and faces, after some experimentation I just decided to call this one a failed experiment.

In my next attempt I may decide to try modelling something easier like a hitching post or something similar, or I might try and see if I can find out how to model using mirroring so I only have to model one side of the skull, either way I think I need to try and use less polys as it will just be a small asset and I will need to map the UV.

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