Friday 26 April 2013

model update

Rather than keeping my draft model as I found it to be really boring and everything was straight so there wasn't really any composition or character I created a new model from scratch using the same basic idea.

Before I started I created a very basic sketch of the composition, and I wanted some kind of implication of a story in there so I included a coffin makers shop and a Lawyer/Doctor office juxtaposed with each other to create some contrast, I didn't put too much thought into a story or anything it's just there to make things a little more interesting, and I may use more rich colours for the lawyer/doctor office and more drab greys and browns for the coffin makers shop again to create some contrast and make the environment a little more interesting.

I'm not sure that the ground is final yet I don't really like the way it looks although the depth of the terrain will be kind of the same either way.

The buildings aren't finished yet, I still need to add doors and windows but I'm waiting to find some good reference for them before I start and I am going to create them as separate assets to make it easier to unwrap the UVs and paint textures.

I mentioned that I was disappointed with how small the cow skull was going to be considering how long it took me to unwrap the UVs and I was always going to use one to have as a decoration on a building so I decided just to make it really big to serve as part of the sign on the coffin shop, as well as that I will paint a sign on there with the textures.

I added this dead and decaying horse to the ground to add some variation and give a bit more life and character to the environment, I may or may not keep it, but I want to know what it looks like when textured before I can make a decision, I don't really like it as it is but I think it could look quite good with textures. 

Some References

I used the last two reference images of lego western towns because I thought that they would be helpful considering my low poly approach and simply textures with saturated colours.

(I haven't added them yet but the mine cart rail will be added to into the top left of the composition (using the birds eye view posted here as reference)

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